Monday, 29 September 2008

Guido Reni paintings

Guido Reni paintings
George Inness paintings
George Frederick Watts paintings
you,” the Warden’s voice broke with emotion, “my poor boy, you are the fifteenth Lord Poxe and, as I have at different occasions reminded you, not unconnected with my own family. Lady Emily Crane, your great aunt, you will remember, married a Mr. Arthur Thorn, my grandfather. I feel that the owes it to your position to treat this matter as discreetly as possible.”
Poxe nodded enthusiastically. Among tradesmen and dons he had always found his title of vast value.
“The Dean and I have discussed the matter at some length and have come to the conclusion that there is no reason why this matter should be referred to the ordinary State authorities at all; it has, as, of course, you are aware, always been a principle of University government so far as is possible to impede and nullify the workings of the ordinary courts of law. In this case it seems particularly advisable, as it is only too likely that the criminal courts

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