Saturday, 4 October 2008

Rembrandt Hendrickje Bathing in a River painting

Rembrandt Hendrickje Bathing in a River paintingJohn Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies paintingJohn Singer Sargent A Boating Party painting
brought back memories of another courtship and another conversion. ‘Rex,’ she said. ‘I sometimes wonder if you realize how big a thing you are taking on in the Faith. It would be very wicked to take a step like this without believing sincerely.’ He was masterly in his treatment of her.
‘I don’t pretend to be a very devout man,’ he said, ‘nor much of a theologian, but I know it’s a bad plan to have two religions in one house. A man needs a religion. If your Church is good enough for Julia, it’s good enough for me.’ ‘Very well,’ she said, ‘I will see about having you instructed.’ ‘Look, Lady Marchmain, I have the time. Instruction will be wasted on me. Just you give me the form and I’ll sign on the dotted line.’
‘It usually takes some months - often a lifetime.’
‘Well, I’m a quick learner. Try me.’

So Rex was sent to Farm Street to Father Mowbray, a priest renowned

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