Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Alfred Gockel Stroking the Keys painting

Alfred Gockel Stroking the Keys paintingAlfred Gockel Moved By The Music V paintingWassily Kandinsky Upward paintingWassily Kandinsky In Blue painting
Expedition.“I know you weren’t that close to Mr. Whistler,” said Nurse Jordan, “but it’s still something of a shock, I’m sure. Sorry you had to learn this way—the empty bed.”“Was the body taken down to the Ethan asked.[47] Nurse Jordan regarded him with new respect. “I didn’t realize you were a police officer, Mr. Trumanwas cop lingo for morgue. All those corpses waiting to be planted.“Robbery/Homicide,” he replied, not bothering to explain that he had left the force, or why.“My husband’s worn out enough uniforms to retire in March. I’m workin’ overtime so I don’t go crazy.”Ethan understood. Cops often went through long law-worrying much about the dust-to-dust-ashes-to-ashes only to tighten with tension so much in the last months before retirement that they needed to eat Metamucil by the pound to stop retaining. The worry could be even worse for spouses.“The doctor signed a certification of death,” Nurse Jordan said, “and Mr. Whistler went down to cold holding pending mortuary pickup. Oh ... actually, it won’t be a mortuary, will it?”“It’s a murder now,” Ethan said. “The medical examiner’s office will want him for an autopsy.”“Then they’ll have been called. We’ve got a foolproof system.” Checking her watch, she said, “But they probably haven’t had time to take custody of the body yet, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Ethan rode the elevator all the way down to the dead. The was in the third and lowest level of the basement, adjacent to the ambulance garage.

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